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California Insurance Blog

Health Insurance Vs Life Insurance

There is so much to know about health insurance and life insurance. Let’s take a quick look at both of them, and hopefully, you can see why it is so important to invest in both types of policies.

What is health insurance?

Well, essentially, health insurance helps you stay healthy. It pays for various services received through doctor offices, and even if the total cost is not covered, at least a portion will be. It is of the utmost importance that you realize that not all services are covered. For example, if you are wanting to get a breast augmentation, your health insurance is not going to cover any of the accompanying costs. In fact, almost all types of cosmetic surgeries are not covered by health insurance. This type of insurance, however, will cover things such as being hospitalized due to an infection setting up after a breast augmentation surgery has been performed. The specifics of what are and what are not covered by health insurance can be found in your policy details; this is why it is so important to go over your policy with a qualified agent.

What is life insurance?

Life insurance is not paid out until after the policyholder becomes deceased, whereas health insurance is paid out while the policyholder is still alive. One of the most beneficial aspects of life insurance is that it provides you with peace of mind in knowing you are helping to take care of your beneficiaries after you have passed away. Sure, you may not be gaining anything financially, but you are protecting the future of your loved ones.

To learn more about health insurance and life insurance, please contact THINK Insurance & Financial Services serving the Pomona, CA area.

Renters insurance coverage options

Did you know that even if you live rentals, you can protect you and your belongings? Most people think that insurance is just for persons who live in their compounds or for those who own apartments. But that is not the case. There is so much you need to protect your rental home apart from the building.

Pomona, CA, THINK Insurance & Financial Services will help you understand more about the options you have. You will be shocked how much belonging you own when you start evaluating it. At that point, you will understand what it means to protect property against risks. So, to help you understand more about renters coverage here is a glimpse of some of our renter’s insurance coverage options.

Personal belongings coverage

Do you know how much you own? That is in terms if your clothes, shoes, jewelry, furniture, electronics and other items in your house? Well, we are here to help you. For you to insure all your property, we urge you to list all your items and evaluate them in terms of monetary value. In that way, you will be able to decide how much renters’ insurance you need in case your items get destroyed by fire, hurricanes, storms or even theft.

Liability Coverage

A liability coverage protects you against lawsuits where your neighbors sue you for destroying their property. You may not expect this to happen but what if your kid throws a ball which ends up causing injury to another person or damage to another person’s property? You need to be prepared for such things.

Additional Living expenses

If you live in a rental property, you have a place to call home. But if it were to get destroyed by either fire, storm or any other disaster, you will be left homeless. At that point, you will have to find another place to call home, and that can be very expensive. However, with a renter’s insurance coverage from Pomona, CA, THINK Insurance & Financial Services, you are safe. We help pay for all the additional living expenses as you figure out what next.

Please feel free to contact us in case of any questions.

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